Based on internal test results done on July 25, 2024.
RamAI is your personalised AI tutor. No human is working behind it in real time.
RamAI raised questions more often: Can you think? It's giving answers related to the science field.
Students can type the questions in the input box and hit send. RamAI answers will appear in the output box.
Test Questions to RamAI
We asked the question, "Why is oxygen necessary?" RamAI compels the user to imagine a brain image to visualise a related situation. It explains the necessity of oxygen and introduces a thinking question to reinforce learning.
RamAI humbly rejects irrelevant questions.
We concluded that:
RamAI should explain the answers more precisely.
Step-by-step answer or explanationÂ
It should encourage the student to learn more about the concept rather than give a direct answer.
It should not give examples that might be overwhelming to the studentÂ
As per its performance and user-friendly interface, we rated it 6.5 (this has nothing to do with any benchmark).
RamAI is an AI tutor at VenusMoon; it’s purely a set of AI programs, and no human being is operating behind it in real-time. It can generate incorrect answers.
For a limited time, you can test RamAI without the need to sign up. Test Now!