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Writer's picturePulkit Sahu

RamAI Test: Internal Test Results

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

RamAI was quite acceptable in its performance in an internal test concluded on July 29, 2024.

RamAI is your personalised AI tutor. No human is working behind it in real time.

We requested a few users to test RamAI with their questions. It was good at answering students’ queries when provided with definite hints. It inquires about the student’s current level of knowledge and is ready to let you learn more. Users should write their responses in the input box for a better learning experience.

RamAI Test screenshot 1
RamAI Test screenshot 1

RamAI Test screenshot 3
RamAI Test screenshot 3

RamAI Test screenshot 2
RamAI Test screenshot 2

We’re sharing screenshots of questions raised by a set of our selected users and responses given by RamAI.

Students can type the questions in the input box and hit send. RamAI answers will appear in the output box.

Test Questions

A user asked for the chlorine formula, and RamAI replied with the formula while asking to connect it to the real world. One user asked about the Pythagoras theorem, and RamAI asked what the user already knew about it. The user typed in his current understanding of the Pythagoras theorem, and RamAI responded with a step-by-step explanation.

It was confusing for RamAI to answer general knowledge questions like What is the height of the Himalayas from the Earth base? We have improved RamAI to answer such questions as well.


RamAI needs proper and definite inputs to give good responses to users. If RamAI asks a question, the student should reply with what knowledge he has, and this helps RamAI cater personalised answers to him. 

RamAI is an AI tutor at VenusMoon; it’s purely a set of AI programs, and no human being is operating behind it in real-time. It can generate incorrect answers.

RamAI is currently instructed in middle school science. For a limited time, you can test RamAI without the need to sign up. Test Now!

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