Rambo gives you instant feedback on quizzes.
Try here.
Hello everyone!
Introducing Rambo, an AI Storyteller designed to enhance students' learning experiences by combining auditory information with instant feedback.
Let me walk you through how it works.
Rambo, Your AI Storyteller
Enter a Topic
For example, type "quantum computing" into the input box and press Enter.
Understanding Lessons
If you don’t understand the lesson, press ❌ to create an easier version.
Interactive Feedback
Play a quiz by selecting "Easy" or "Hard."
Press quiz options like "Superposition" to receive feedback and see how well you do.
Next Lesson
Press the tick ✔️ icon to proceed to the next lesson.
New Topics
If you’re ready for a new topic, enter something like "artificial intelligence" in the input box and press Enter.
Please note, the story and Rambo's voice are AI-generated, with no human speaking in real-time.
Learn with Rambo Now!
You can try it yourself by clicking the button below.